On the 16th March 2020 the RACV Royal Pines Resort hosted their annual Wedding Open Day, and as always J’adore Wedding Photography was delighted to be a part of the day. Our team was excited to capture the many different areas of the venue, fully set up and styled be the talented team at W Events Group. Looking for the perfect Gold Coast wedding venue? Don’t miss the RACV Royal Pines Wedding Open Day, where you’ll tour the stunning ceremony and reception spaces, meet expert wedding suppliers, and get inspired for your dream wedding!
The Intercontinental Sanctuary Cove is one of our FAVOURITE venues on the Gold Coast. It has so much to offer as a wedding venue and the locations for photographs are endless. So it makes sense that their Wedding Showcase is one of the busiest open days for us in the year.
The Annual Marriott Wedding Showcase is an event that the team at J’adore never miss, and 2019 was no exception. On Sunday 23rd June, we as well as many other industry suppliers gathered to help future bride and grooms plan their special day. This is an event that we always look forward to, as it is a privilege to be at such a prestigious venue showcasing our services. Other industry suppliers that attended included celebrants, DJ’s, Cake suppliers, stylists, dress designers and much more.
As the year is flying by quicker then jet plane we thought we would take a second to slow down and smell the roses. In this blog we aim to go through the pro’s & con’s (if there are any..) of having a spring wedding. As well as featuring some beautiful images from RACV Royal Pines Spring Festival, featuring fireworks, yummy food, Photo Booth fun & beautiful event styling by W Events Group.
Each & every year we are so very lucky to be apart of such an awesome day. Bringing vendors from all over the Gold Coast together, & for us its just a fun day to get to meet new couples, mingle with vendors and have a good time. Wouldn't exactly call it working..