wedding videographer gold coast

Intercontinental Sanctuary Cove Wedding

Intercontinental Sanctuary Cove Wedding

As most of their wedding day was conducted at The Intercontinental Sanctuary Cove it was super easy to get to and from their pre-getting ready sections, ceremony and photo section. The ceremony was as expected, incredibly impactful and full of emotion. Our favourite part of any wedding is the ceremony as there is always a few tears and laughs from the crowd and the couple. You really get to see how your couple, particularly Ben & Marie interacts.

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Intercontinental Sanctuary Cove Wedding

Intercontinental Sanctuary Cove Wedding

Nick and Lydia first meet at UQ University approximately 10 years ago now, both studying to be an accountant. It was during this time that they became close, and ultimately developing a beautiful relationship with one another. Over the years, they both had traveled for work and at the end of every day, they still had a loving, caring relationship just like they did the day before.

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